Centennial Speeches
The United Board’s Centennial is a joyous occasion that will feature celebrations in many forms, in many venues, and with many friends. Below is a collection of remarks that United Board trustees and staff have given at Centennial events.
Centennial Celebration Luncheon
Remark by Nancy E. Chapman, President, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
New York - 12 November 2022
Centennial Celebration Luncheon
Welcoming Remark by Christian Murck, Chair of Board of Trustees, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
New York - 12 November 2022
Joint Celebration: ACUCA-SU-United-Board Joint Consultation
Remarks by Christian Murck, Chair of Board of Trustees, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
Virtual Event ~ July 16, 2021
Joint Celebration: ACUCA-SU-United-Board Joint Consultation
Remarks by Nancy Chapman, President, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
Virtual Event ~ July 16, 2021
Joint Celebration: Concert in Honor of the 70th Anniversary of Chung Chi College/Centennial of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
Remarks by Ricky Cheng, Executive Vice President, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
Hong Kong ~ March 25, 2021