Centennial Fund
Our Centennial Fund gives special attention to three of our strategic priorities: Leadership Development, Faculty Development, and Special Initiatives. The aim as well as the target is lofty. We are making good progress on the way to raising US$2 million in the form of current gifts and future pledges to put ourselves in an even stronger position to further our work and support our network institutions.
To learn more about supporting the Centennial Fund, please contact Ms. Trudy Loo, Director of Development, at 1.212.870.2612 or tloo@unitedboard.org.
Centennial Challenge Grant Initiative
Launched in 2021, this grant initiative supports our network institutions to meet future challenges by developing their capacities to raise their profiles and resources. The institutions selected in the first round— Chang Jung Christian University, Petra Christian University, and Seoul Women’s University—have shown great progress in their advancement efforts. More institutions will take up the challenge and the grant initiative in future rounds.